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Bug#1055637: libabigail-2.4: assert violation while setting translation unit for unique types

Source: libabigail
Version: 2.4-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,
while building the zfs-dkms package in Ubuntu/noble, in the checkabi target, abidiff core dumps:


abigail-2.3 was fine, and it started crashing after we moved to abigail-2.4.
I was able to reproduce the issue locally with abigail src from git:

$ abidiff --no-unreferenced-symbols --headers-dir1 include --suppressions
./lib/libnvpair/libnvpair.suppr ./lib/libnvpair/libnvpair.abi .libs/libnvpair.so
abidiff: ../../src/abg-ir.cc:8004: virtual abigail::ir::decl_base_sptr
abigail::ir::scope_decl::add_member_decl(const abigail::ir::decl_base_sptr&):
Assertion `__abg_cond__' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

and i bisected it down to this commit:

commit d00a2cc2da9b33be5a6e5376cbee4591c042d3a3 (break5)
Author: Dodji Seketeli <dodji@redhat.com>
Date:   Thu May 25 14:15:56 2023 +0200

    Bug 30466 - harfbuzz fails self-check on f38

Sent the report upstream, and got a fix:


Tested the fix against zfs-dkms, it built successfully this time.

Can you apply it and cut a new release?

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