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[Pkg-grass-general] gdal/grass -- need your comments


This week I built a new gdal package and tried to create a
gdalgrass-package. You can find both on our ftp-server ([1] and [2])

I have to do some final tests for the gdal package before I can give
it to my mentor but it would be great if somebody could check
whether the libgdal1grass package works correctly. You will also
need the grass-bin package (also located in [2]) to do this. So if
you install grass-bin, libgdal1grass, libgdal1 you should be able to
connect to a grass database. It would be nice if some of the qgis
people could try this.

Some remarks to the current packages:

- Frank, I renamed the gdal_GRASS-library to libgdal1grass since
  this reflects the way libraries are handled in debian. I hope this
  is OK. The second issue is, that we probably need to build a
  development package for gdalgrass to get the package into debian.
  But since we still have no grass 5.7 package in debian there is no
  need to hurry.

- I based my grass package on the last release from the grass
  homepage (together with some fixes to remove the dependencies from
  grass5.3). I am not informed about the current way how grass is
  build [3] but I would prefer to have a libgrass and a libgrass-dev
  package if possible. Thus it only needs a few files for building
  gdalgrass and not the full grass modules but only the libraries to
  connect to a grass database. 

So, I will do the final tests for gdal-1.2.5 to get it into debian.
Then the next issue is to get grass 5.7 into debian and meanwhile I
could finalize the gdalgrass package so that we can get into debian
as soon as grass 5.7 is ready.

Any further comments are welcome.

Many greetings,


[1] http://ftp.intevation.de/users/silke/debian/gdal-1.2.5/
[2] http://ftp.intevation.de/users/silke/debian/gdalgrass-1.2.3
[3] I tried to look at [4] but there seems to be some error while
    connecting to the database.
[4] https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-grass/

Silke Reimer

Intevation GmbH                      http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS                                http://freegis.org/

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