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[Pkg-grass-general] Re: gdal and grass

[Paolo Cavallini]
> Dear all,
> one of GRASS commands does not work. I suspect this is due to gdal packaging:
> ==========================================
> r.out.gdal input=t_dtm@PERMANENT format=GTiff 
> type=Byte output=/home/daniela/prova  
> Writing format: GTiff 
> Writing type:   Byte 
> /usr/lib/grass/scripts/r.out.gdal: line 129:  
> 6156 Segmentation fault      gdal_translate -of 
> $FORMAT -ot $TYPE -a_srs "`g.proj -wf`" 

Ah, a segfault.  A gdb backtrace and the output when running this
command in valgrind would be helpful for those trying to debug this
problem.  I have no knowledge about gdal so I can't really help here,
but recommend trying to get more debug output out of the crashing

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