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Re: [DebianGIS] cfitsio3 goes GPL in Debian, so what about GDAL?

Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
As explained in #422537 it includes files taken from gzip to support
compression. Current maintainer decided to preserve compression support
and so moved the license to GPL. Incidentally it is not compatible with
GDAL copyright, so a practical possibility is disabling FITS support in GDAL.
Another possibility would be re-licensing it as GPL in Debian, but it would imply
licensing all its rdepends in the same way. Is there anyone who does not
agree about that, due to constraints of one of its rdepends? Ideas? AFAIK
licensing under the more 'restrictive' GPL is not a problem due to the BSD-like nature of the upstream license.


My opinion is that the FITS format should be dropped from GDAL on Debian
if it's use would require a relicensing of GDAL which would then ripple
up the stack through other applications built on GDAL.

FITS is not an important format at all.

Best regards,
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