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Re: [DebianGIS] current state

That would be a *good thing*. It's a pity to miss up-to-date packages
for Jump, gvSIG and uDIG. I suppose some of the effort packaging is
common among packages.
All the best.

Sunburned Surveyor ha scritto:

> I've never made Debian packages before, but I have read a little about
> what is required. I might be able to work on some Debian packages for
> open source Java GIS programs and libraries. I'd like to get started
> with a package for OpenJUMP and JTS, and I could probably follow up
> with some packages for GeoTools.
> If you guys could help me out with a question or two as I work through
> the packaging process I'd be willing to take a stab at this. I think
> I'll need to ask someone here to sponsor the packages.
> Landon
> P.S. - A package was made for OpenJUMP a long time ago, but I don't
> think that it is maintained anymore.
Paolo Cavallini

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