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[DebianGIS] Web pages showing tasks


some people might be aware that there is an effort to build some
meta packages foe a debian-science CDD.  At the extremadura
workshop last October Frederic Daniel Luc Lehobey <Frederic@Lehobey.net>
and Dominique Belhachemi <domibel@cs.tu-berlin.de> did some
effort to create


The webtools that were developed by David Paleino <d.paleino@gmail.com>
and me do allow to draw some nice information pages about the
tasks of a CDD and I did a first atempt to build debian-science
tasks pages using the SVN code.  The result can be seen at


Well, it says it is the list of tasks of Debian-Med but this is
because I quickly copied the Debian-Med stuff.  It is just some
work to do to make the scripts flexible enough for all CDDs because
they were developped by David for Debian-Med in the first place.
Now I'm busy to make it more flexible for other CDDs as well.

If yoou want to fix the pages you have several chances:

  1) Go to /srv/alioth.debian.org/chroot/home/groups/cdd/htdocs/science
     and enhcance the PHP code.
  2) Fix "Homepage not available" statements by fixing the packages
     that are missing a proper Homepage tag or fix other issues
     you might find in the package description.
  3) Read
     to learn more about prospective packages and enhance the
     tasks files in Debian-Science SVN (see above).

What do you think about this stuff?

Kind regards



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