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Re: [DebianGIS] GRASS 6.3.0RC5 released

> > A fifth release candidate of GRASS 6.3.0 is now available:
> > Key fixes include improved portability for MS-Windows
> > (native support), several module fixes, and especially the
> > introduction of a new, Python based portable graphical interface
> > which includes a new vector digitizer.

Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> This raises an important question: the new GUI depends on wxpython
> 2.8, which has issues, and it is not packaged in Debian. While I
> generally understand the problem, I am worried Debian user will
> very soon be at a disadvantage compared to other distros and OSes.

unoffical upstream provided debs for wx2.8 are available at

> Can we do something to help solving the issues?



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