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Re: package thermometer improvements

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 10:08:37AM +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
> It seems to me it is simply oriented to something different, if we are talking
> about http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/index. 
> The thermometer is oriented to understand in a *single* brief summary page

OK, I formerly got the request to have all on one single page which
endet up in something like


I myself regard this list as not very useful (and I doubt it is used
very much).  So I was wondering whether there is some chance of
improvement and I think mentioning the versions as on the Termometer
might be a good idea and I also like the color scheme.

> the status of migration (still missing RC bugs evidence, indeed),

In what form you would intend to implement this.  I'm not fully happy
about the bugs pages of Blends - perhaps there is some chance for

> status in Ubuntu too,

Here you mean the "UbuntuGis packages thermometer"?
As far as I know Ubuntu package information is in UDD - so this should
be easy to implement.

> missing products and so on.

What do you mean by "missing products"?

> In brief, the general
> project status. A different target audience, IMHO.

Well, the target audience for the thermomenter is the team who is
working on the packages.  While the tasks pages are more user centric
and the bugs pages are focussing just on the bugs I clearly intend to
support those developers - and I want it for all Blends.

And to answer Hamish's question whether there is some motivation to
reinvent the thermometer:  Usually I hate reinventing things.  However
there are currently two strong motivations:

  1. Making a reasonable tool available for other teams as well
  2. Maintaining only one source of information

The second point is quite important because you certainly know that
nobody will maintain the package list which should be displayes two
times.  So because you are used to work on the input for the termometer
somebody who wants to see the packages also on the tasks pages or
wants to have them used in metapackages needs to follow your changes.
That's boring and unrelieable.  So if we could manage to build the
package termometer based on the input given in the Blends tasks files
we can solve both problems in one rush.

I would define this as one of my important goals for DebConf.

Kind regards



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