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Re: prepair

On 06/06/2014 10:10 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> There is a new library[0] that repair "broken" GIS polygons according to the
> international standard ISO19107. Very easy to compile, and very useful.
> Anyone has plans to package it?

I looked into prepair and pprepair some time ago after Richard
Duivenvoorde asked about it. At the time neither project had official
releases, requiring us to package git snapshots. I was hoping the
projects would mature a bit more, and at least get releases before
packaging them.

> Ready to help with testing and more, if necessary.
> All the best.

While my time is spent updating existing packages at the moment, I can't
commit to packaging these now. But I also would to have the (p)prepair
apt-get installable, so I'll probably package them in the future if
no-one beats me to it.

Kind Regards,


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