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Re: Status of GDAL

Hi Ross,

On 07/28/2014 08:47 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
> I have a potential slot to take a look at libLAS over the next week
> before I do a last push to try and get osmgpsmap to migrate to testing
> (I was waiting for subsurface maintainer to respond).
> But I don't know libLAS at all, so I cannot guarantee I will succeed.

Thanks for your offer to help.

I'm less well versed in C++ than plain C, which I'm not great with
either though.

libLAS upstream was also willing to help with backporting the GDAL
1.11.0 support to libLAS 1.7 but would prefer to focus on the 1.8 release.

It might be as simple as format-patch'ing the GDAL 1.11.0 commits from
the libLAS master branch, at least these two commits:



There may be more related changes hidden in the other commits.

I haven't gotten around to trying to use the above two commits as
patches to libLAS 1.7. At the end of the week my vacation starts which
will give me significantly more time, but I need to dedicate a large
amount of that to my NM process.

Kind Regards,


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