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Re: Fwd: Schedule information for 211 - Debian GIS BoF

On 17-08-15 23:13, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> QGis: we somehow decided to stick to the LTS releases [2]. This is
> something where we will certainly get a difference with
> ubuntugis/osgeolive.

I've updated qgis git repository on Alioth to use the upstream-ltr
branch for QGIS 2.8.x releases to allow the non-LTR tarballs to live in
the upstream branch.

For UbuntuGIS/OSGeo-Live you can create a branch from master, update the
gbp.conf to use the respective debian & upstream branches, update the
watch file to not limit to 2.8.x releases, import the 2.10 & 2.10.1
releases into the upstream branch, probably update Files-Excluded to
incorporate upstream changes, review the git diff between the latest
upstream tags and update the copyright file accordingly, and finally do
what's needed to prepare the upload for the PPA (we need to document
uploaded to UbuntuGIS & OSGeo-Live in the Debian GIS Policy probably too).

Kind Regards,


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