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Re: osm-tile-server

On 07/09/15 19:13, Ruben Undheim wrote:
>> I tried with the debconf config for tilelite (in the debconf branch) to
>> allow the user to setup tilelite in a very flexible way using debconf.
>> If you have not checked out that branch, and tried it out, I would
>> suggest doing so, as it might help you when looking at configuring
>> tilelite (it handles multiple tilesets).
> Thanks for this. It may turn out very useful for osm-tile-server!
> I've looked at it now more in detail. The config code for tilelite
> does not run when I install the package, but I have started graping
> what you are doing there by reading the code.

You should be able to get it to run by installing the package, and then
running dpkg-reconfigure tilelite .

>> I guess what I am trying to say above, is that this is an open issue,
>> and just needs people to try solutions and keep moving things forward.
> I think that it can quickly get messy if both osm-tile-server and
> tilelite asks debconf questions by default. May I ask you to at least
> lower the priority of the tilelite debconf questions so that they are
> not asked on a normal install (if you want to have these questions as
> part of tilelite)?

Firstly, I have no idea if the tilelite changes I made are going to hit
the archive.

Secondly, the questions are asked if the user has configured debconf to
ask questions of that priority, you can go off the default value for
that, but really its up to the user, so lowering the priority does not
make much sense to me.

> The same goes for the database name question for openstreetmap-carto.
> I'm not using that name in osm-tile-server. I'm rather making a copy
> of style.xml and replacing the database name with the one from the
> osm-tile-server config. To let that be part of debconf for
> openstreetmap-carto only confuses the user in this case, and it does
> not support multiple instances either. It is also slightly unnecessary
> to ask the user multiple time for the database name. Do you have any
> objections to lowering the priority of this question?

Yes. The second point I make above is still valid, what questions the
user sees is up to the user.

Also, it makes sense for the openstreetmap-carto package to allow the
user to change the database the style.xml file is configured to use, as
that is required for it to function properly once installed.

If there is a issue with it not allowing you to use the same stylesheet
for two different databases, it seems to me that the best (worst)
solution is to extend the debconf scripts for openstreetmap-carto to
allow for copying the file, and changing the database in the copy.

This probably has multiple advantages over a separate package doing the
copying, for example, openstreetmap-carto can handle regeneration of the
copies when the package updated, such that they don't get ignored or out
of sync.

In summary, trying to avoid using the openstreetmap-carto package to
handle the style.xml file it contains is a bad idea, as you cannot
control the questions it asks the user, or how it handles
upgrades/removals from another package.

This makes it clearer to me that having a setup where the configuration
for each part of the tileserver stack is handled by the respective
component packages is more complex, but has less problems than trying to
write a package or set of packages that wrap around it.

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