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trying to build sfcgal 1.2.0


I ran into a problem trying to build sfcgal 1.2.0. I'm actually on
holiday, but the wheater was not that good today anyway :)

Contrary to my initial suspicion the problem ist not with sid vs. stable.

The problem seems to be, that dh_auto_configure is automatically calling
cmake with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None

Looking at the cmake dosumentation this does not seem to be a valid option
for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.  What's the story with this?

I need to omit this Option in order to make sfcgal tests and likely the
library as a whole work.



"I'm a bastard, and proud of it"
                          (Linus Torvalds, Wednesday Sep 6, 2000)

/me is giggls@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web

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