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Re: Sarsen packaging

Dear Bas,

Il 09/08/22 05:25, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
On 8/8/22 22:54, Antonio Valentino wrote:
Il 08/08/22 18:46, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
On 8/8/22 18:33, Antonio Valentino wrote:
Would you like to review the packages and sponsor the initial upload?

Once it's on Salsa.

If it is OK for you I will create the repositories on salsa and push the source code.

Sure, go ahead.

Please use the sarsen, flox, and xarray-sential for the source package names and git repos.

I was able to create the three repositories but I got an error like the following:

$ ./salsa-create-repository.pl -v -t XXXXXXXXXXXX -p sarsen
Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 1)
Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 2)
Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 3)
Creating project: sarsen
Error: Request failed! (https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects/72235/integrations)
HTTP Status: 403 Forbidden
{"message":"403 Forbidden"}

Did you pull the latest changes?

The scripts were updated to fix the integration API caveloperlls:


yes, I confirm that I used the latest revision on the git repo

Since you get a 403 instead of 404 it might be a permission issue:

  This API requires an access token with the Maintainer or Owner role.


OK, in the Debian GIS group on salsa I'm a "Developer"
This explains the issue

Apparently it does not create problems and I was able to push the code regularly.

Email & IRC notifications were not been configured due to the above, I did that now:

  $ ../scripts/salsa-configure-repositories.pl -vp sarsen
  Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 1)
  Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 2)
  Getting projects for namespace: 2052 (page: 3)

  Project: sarsen (72235)
  Issues already disabled.
  Merge method is already fast-forward.
 Merge request link when pushing from the command line is already disabled.
  Current CI config path is already 'debian/.gitlab-ci.yml'.
  Activating Emails on push for: sarsen (72235)
  Activated Emails on push service for project: sarsen (72235)
  Irker service already deactivated for project: sarsen (72235)
  Adding KGB webhook for: sarsen (72235)
  Added KGB webhook for project: sarsen (72235)
  Configuring protected branches for: sarsen (72235)
  Configured protected branches for project: sarsen (72235)
> ...

thanks a lot

Antonio Valentino

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