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Bug#69278: libc6 sscanf gives inconsistent results.

Package: libc6
Version: 2.1.3-10

I am using the following code:

File: testsscanf.c

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  char tmp[4];
  int x;

  strncpy(tmp, argv[1], 2);
  tmp[2]= 0;
  sscanf(tmp, "%i", &x);
  printf("tmp= %s, x= %i\n", tmp, x);

  This is what I get when invoking the compiled version with the following

bach:~>./testsscanf 04
tmp= 04, x= 4

bach:~>./testsscanf 05
tmp= 05, x= 5

bach:~>./testsscanf 06
tmp= 06, x= 6

bach:~>./testsscanf 07
tmp= 07, x= 7

bach:~>./testsscanf 08
tmp= 08, x= 0

bach:~>./testsscanf 08
tmp= 08, x= 0

bach:~>./testsscanf 09
tmp= 09, x= 0

bach:~>./testsscanf 10
tmp= 10, x= 10

bach:~>./testsscanf 11
tmp= 11, x= 11

  As you can see, everything works fine except when using the strings '08' and
'09' which are converted to the integer 0, when they should be converted to 8
and 9 respecively.

I am using Debian 2.1, kernel version 2.2.16.


    Arturo Galvan.

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