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Bug#183515: locales: busted postinst script?

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Bailey <jbailey@nisa.net> writes:

    Jeff> Heya Stephen, it looks like something did a bad cut&paste
    Jeff> job in your locale.gen file.

Yup.  If I care about it, I don't let debconf touch it.  Too many of
the utilities used by debconf absolutely lack error-checking

    Jeff> The other possibility that comes to mind is some file system
    Jeff> corruption of some sort.

Unlikely.  I've rebooted a couple of times in the last month with
absolutely clean fscks, and it's an ext2 filesystem so those should be
pretty reliable.  And if you look closely, it's exactly what you'd get
if somebody used bash's read with a delimiter of comma to split
comma-separated lines into separate lines, or maybe a perl script.

    Jeff> Since we also don't know for certain when this showed up on
    Jeff> your system,

Well, unless it did it this time, it's been over a week already, since
the deb is dated 2-26 so it must have happened before that.

    Jeff> I think we should give this a week to see if other people
    Jeff> show up with this bug, and if not tag it unreproducable and
    Jeff> close it in 6 months. Does that work for you?

You can probably close the locales bug now.  I cut it out, reran
locale-gen, and everything was fine.  If I see it again, I'll submit a
new bug and reference this one.

What worries me more, on reflection, is the fact that debconf and dpkg
and apt and local-gen go barrelling on past the warning/error.  One of
those (likely locale-gen, which currently is a particularly unintelligent
script that assumes nothing can go wrgn) should catch this.

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