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Bug#275403: preinst NSS restart does not work with file-rc

At Fri, 8 Oct 2004 13:46:01 +0200,
Christian Hammers wrote:
> > > As I don't know if there are backward compatibility issues you should better
> > > contact the file-rc maintainer to get recommends how to search and start/stop
> > > entries from runlevel.conf.
> > 
> > You reported "(libc6.) preinst NSS restart does not work with
> > file-rc".  However file-rc is used in _postinst_ because restart is
> > done in postinst.
> > 
> > Moreover, this restart code is used only when you upgrade from woody
> > to sarge.  I think you misunderstand why this code is existed.  Did
> > you get any problems with this issue?  If you really had trouble with
> > it, please report with more information (ex: upgrade messages and so
> > on).  If not, please let me know; I'll close this bug.
> I did get errors when upgrading a server from Woody (up-to-date) to Sarge.
> There were about 5-6 services which needed to be restarted (postfix, bind,
> apache, inetd etc) and *all* of them failed.
> As I was logged in I tried some of them by hand and start,stop,restart worked
> just find and gave 0 as $? exit code.
> The messages run through the xterm history too fast and I did not cut&paste
> them. There were no further explanations why the restart failed.

OK, I've confirmed you're right.

I set up woody environment and try to upgrade (it's just my memo):

	debootstrap woody woody
	chroot to woody-dir
	setup /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/resolv.conf
	copy /var/run/utmp to chroot dir for runlevel command.
	apt-get install file-rc (+ some test application)
	edit sources.list and set from stable to unstable
	apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

and I saw restarting NSS services were failed because there was no
/etc/rc*.d/ files.

> As file-rc is not so common and the code looked (just by taking a quick glance
> at it) a bit strange so I assumed that this might have been the problem.

file-rc seems not common - this code has been existed for almost one
year... :)

I put the fix for this problem using the way which is previously
proposed by me.  This problem should be fixed in the next -18.  Thanks
for your report!

-- gotom

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