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[Git][glibc-team/glibc][glibc-2.37] Parallelise locale-gen if possible

Title: GitLab

Aurelien Jarno pushed to branch glibc-2.37 at GNU Libc Maintainers / glibc


  • 53489107
    by наб at 2023-06-17T11:04:31+02:00
    Parallelise locale-gen if possible
    Assuming a very generous 200M free/localedef (because I saw a max RSS
    of 147M w/time(1)), this will attempt to keep all jobs saturated,
    and usually succeed. There's little starvation, since the vast majority
    of time is spent in gzip(1) ‒ 1:14 user vs 27:55 sys
    At 2.2ish seconds per locale, even on a low-end system of today with
    4 CPUs (and 800 free MB), we can generate up to 4 locales at once
    for 6.6s' speed-up. Assuming no super-pathological cases, this globally
    scales in roughly ceil(locales/ncpus)*2.2s chunks, which is a massive
    The only user-visible change is that, with nproc>1, the output is
      <cursor here>
    instead of
      en_GB.UTF-8... <cursor here, will print "done\n" when it's done>
    MemFree: in /proc/meminfo is available on all supported Debian kernels,
    MemAvailable: only on Linux; procps free(1) uses MemAvailable to
    estimate "used" space where available.

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