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Updating golang-github-sigstore-sigstore to 1.8.0


Rekor needs kms/hashivault kms/gcp kms/azure from sigstore, and I
noticed sigstore was lagging behind upstream versions.  I want to learn
how to prepare an updated version of a Go package with proper reverse
dependency rebuilds, so took this as a learning example.

I merged 1.8.0 and prepared the package, however building fails:


Error is:

# github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/dsse
src/github.com/sigstore/sigstore/pkg/signature/dsse/multidsse.go:75:43: cannot use wL.sLAdapters (variable of type []"github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib/dsse".Signer) as []"github.com/secure-systems-lab/go-securesystemslib/dsse".SignerVerifier value in argument to dsse.NewEnvelopeSigner

It seems golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib-dev needs
to be upgraded from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 too, so I did that and rebuilt all
its reverse dependencies:


As you can see only golang-github-sigstore-sigstore breaks, so I think
these package upgrades needs to go in tandem.  This seems to have
happened before, so I bumped the versions:

Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
-               golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib-dev (>> 0.7),
+               golang-github-secure-systems-lab-go-securesystemslib-dev (>> 0.8),

Breaks: golang-github-containers-image-dev (<< 5.28),
-        golang-github-sigstore-sigstore-dev (<< 1.4.0-3~),
+        golang-github-sigstore-sigstore-dev (<< 1.8.0~),

Rebuilding sigstore 1.8.0 with upgraded securesystemslib 0.8 and all
reverse dependencies now build fine:


The autopkgtest itself fails, but I think that is because that
particular job isn't picking up the newer securesystemslib 0.8 properly.
The other jobs are picking up securesystemslib 0.8 fine (otherwise
sigstore would fail, as earlier).

At this point I discovered that enabling the kms/ stuff was complicated,
so I decided to upload these two packages to experimental as-is for
feedback.  I accidentally did a amd64 upload for securesystemslib
instead of a source upload, but I guess that for experimental it won't
matter -- for unstable I'll be certain to do source-only uploads.

Thoughts?  Let me know what needs to be fixed before an upload to
unstable can happen :)


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