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Re: (Beware helix packages) Re: [CrackMonkey] The right to bare legs

On Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 02:56:20PM +0300, Eray Ozkural wrote:
> Anthony Towns wrote:
> > >  - Some maintainers don't want to give up the maintainership of their
> > >    packages.
> > And if they're already doing a decent job, why should they want to? As
> > long as you're feeding the patches you need or want to them, and they're
> > actively addressing their bug reports this isn't an issue.
> Nice, but as long as they're taking credit for they job they've done so far
> they should have no objections to handing over the package to someone
> who works full-time on GNOME. It's a simple matter of resources and
> commitment. I'd like you to consider the (weak) similarity to the
> egcs/gcc situation in the past which had been resolved as egcs being
> given official gcc maintainership by GNU. This project should avoid duplication
> of effort. As I said before, the volunteer time of GNOME Debian maintainers
> can be put to better use. I'm sure there are a lot of issues they could
> be interested in, and a lot of good coding to do.

Erm, no. There are two reasons for someone else to take over another
package: if the existing maintainer isn't doing as good a job as the
new maintainer would do, or if the existing maintainer doesn't want to
do it anymore.

If neither of these hold true, there's no reason to change maintainership.

If we stop a gnome maintainer from contributing by package gnome, that
doesn't mean he'll start spending his time elsewhere. That's not how
volunteering in Debian works.

By contrast, if there's not enough Debian packaging that needs to be
done, and some paid employees are left twiddling their thumbs, then it
probably is reasonable to expect them to do some other useful work in
the time they've been saved.

In other words: you've got this backwards.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

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