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Re: Splitting up gnome-utils?

Em 25 Jun 2002 16:30:27 +0100, Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com> escreveu:

> On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 16:17, Jochen Voss wrote:
> > So I would like to hear your opinions.  Should I split
> > gnome-utils in smaller packages, or should I leave it as is?
> I'm for splitting up the package into gnome-utils-calculator etc, and
> having a metapackage gnome-utils which suggests all of them.

I am against the split as the package is quite small... there's no
reason for that... no need to make Gnome packaging more granular,
it's already granular enough.


kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian: <http://www.debian.org> * <http://debian-br.cipsga.org.br>

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