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Re: Epiphany ready for production?

On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 15:15, Jérôme Warnier wrote:
> Le mar 02/09/2003 à 14:31, Ramiro Alba Queipo a écrit :
> > Hello everybody:
> > 
> > I am using the GNOME 2.2 Debian backport from the begining and y it goes
> > fine (well, except sound: esd blocks the main task bar from time to time
> > and I must kill it; gnome recorder also crash) and I would like to know
> > if the epiphany browser
> > (I recently installed it) is ready for production.
> > Until now it goes fine, but the question is:
> > If there is no problem, why is under mozilla-1.3 directory and not under
> > the main with the rest of the packages?
> > It is important to now this for me I am about to installi Woody with
> > GNOME 2.2 in our Laboratory.
> The problem is with proprietary plugins which take up 100% cpu while
> running, and sometimes make Galeon, Mozilla or Epiphany crash badly.
> So, for the moment, you can use it if you are aware of this problem, but
> I would not give it to regular users.
What propietary plugins you mean?

Ramiro Alba

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