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Gnome Applet: Fast Switching User

Just a quick thought, I was wondering if there is already (done or in
development) an applet for switching users fast (a la other OSes which
we all know). I know that gdmflexiserver does this on Debian and it's
already part of the System Tools menu, however, I think it would be nice
to have it as a menu in Actions->Switch User and display a list of all
the users reported by 'getent passwd' (or maybe there is a better
method, but this is known to work with all user databases supported by
PAM, not just flat files) with uid higher than whatever the lowest UID
allowed for the system is (on Debian 1000 by default) (and of course,
take into account the users already known by GDM (and the users that
should be skipped -- blacklisted -- etc...).

Ok, maybe too many things in one paragraph... just doing some brain
storming here :-) 

I'd love to see this done. And if there is no one working on this I
would like to implement this myself. 

(Though I have to admit that I won't reinvent the wheel, mostly just do
a front end for gdmflexiserver and/or pass arguments to it so that it
doesn't give you a GDM login prompt but actually gives you a place to
write a password and move straight to the new desktop)

The next thing would be to allow the users to know who's login in the
system and to allow them to go back to the original account without
having to log out in the current (new) account.

Any ideas?

Luis M
System Administrator/Web Developer



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