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Re: do not delete gnome-1

Le mardi 27 septembre 2005 à 20:43 -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG a écrit :
> What should have happened was that libpng10 was in use, and Josselin
> Mouette didn't want to maintain it any more, so he should have
> *orphaned* it.  Don't just delete libraries without checking with the
> packages that use them first.  In this case, we were hosed because of
> this strategy.

Will you *please* stop talking about things without documenting yourself
first ?
I have repeatedly warned libpng2/libpng10 users that these packages
would have to be *removed* after the sarge release. Yes, removed.
There's no way I'm letting such a package in Debian when:
     1. There is a complete and smooth replacement since both libpng10
        and libpng12 have their symbols versioned in sarge. The new
        version is entirely API-compatible.
     2. The package has a long-standing track record of security issues
        which makes the security team's work a nightmare when there are
        two separate source packages involved.
     3. Other distributions are using only libpng12/libpng3, making
        binaries linked against GNOME 1 libraries binary incompatible
        with ours.
Regular announces were made on debian-devel. I also warned maintainers
of packages depending on libpng10 several months ago, and bugs were
filed before the removal.

Now we have a problem with imlib, as the maintainer is orphaning the
packages. As you seem to intend to take over the packages, here is the
process I would recommend:
      * You should entirely remove the imlib+png2 source package.
      * The imlib package should be made to build the gdk-imlib1,
        gdk-imlib1-dev, imlib-base, and imlib-progs, all linked against
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
   `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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