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Does GLADE contain all the APIs of GTK+?


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From: Susmita/Rajib <bkpsusmitaa@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 12:17:50 +0530
Subject: Does GLADE contain all the APIs of GTK+?
To: debian-gtk-gnome@lists.debian.org

Dear Sirs,

I am aware that Glade (https://glade.gnome.org/) is a Visual UI
Designer tool for GTK+ (https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/)

It is mentioned in the introduction webpage:
What is Glade?
... a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces
for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.

Since either of the two, GDM and Glade, is being continually developed
by the Team GNOME, it is natural to assume that GLADE will contain all
there is that could be achieved by GTK+ toolkit.

Still, I should have my notion confirmed by the masters.

Thank you for sparing some of your severely limited time to read this email.

So Sirs, could I rest assured that GLADE will contain all there is
that could be achieved by GTK+ toolkit?

FOSS enthusiast

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