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Re: GTK+ [Was: "client for radio.linux.org.au"]

    > Yup, 'libgtk-perl' is a neat way of interfacing to WWW based-services or
    > anything else that both graphical and involves intensive text processing.
    > Alas, i haven't found much in the way of documention for it, and am still
    > trying to figure out how the PERL form of 'gdk-input-add()' is supposed
    > to work.  If you go that route, expect to do alot of experimentation. Any
    > leads on documentation would be appreciated.  Did i miss something in the
    > regular distribution???

    By coincidence I found the perl-gtk reference guid on the web.
    It is at http://www.lettere.unipd.it/~lupus/perl-gtk-ref.html
    Hope it helps.

Alas, not, as it doesn't contain that much more information than i've been
able to extract by examining the binary with EMACS...  There nothing about
semantics or how the PERL version differs from the C version. For example, 
the previous cited function is shown as:

    input_add (Class, source, condition, handler, ...) 

	 integer source 
	 Gtk::Gdk::InputCondition condition 
	 SV * handler 

    Return type: integer 

And when i tried to use it, my handler never got called.  But seeing it in
print at least gives me an idea of something else to try.

				-- KD6PAG

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