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Re: nec antenna modeling

Ya know I happen to think your dad is right. There are no abandoned
software projects in the Windows (TM) world at all. Further the only
operating system that does everything you could ask for is Windows (TM).

I really cannot understand why you are fighting your dad, he is quite right.


Sorry for the humor, but I hope you (and *possibly* your dad) can see the
point of this humor. Most of open-source software is written to satisfy a
need. Perhaps you and your dad should try and write something to satisfy
your need. Then again perhaps you should not. <- Either way when you
complain about how terrible things are it does not help your situation one
bit. And complaining about the possibility of compiling some software to
get something that might work for you seems childish to me. i.e. Perhaps
you need to broaden your horizons and try something new.

Perhaps my response is childish too, but I hope it gives you something to
pause and think about. BTW, when my children complain, they get no further
either because I will *not* reward bad behavior; and whining is bad
behavior in my book.


Vy 73;


> is anyone here actually using antennavis?  when I looked at it and
> pointed it out some time ago It looked to be half done and abandoned
> just perpetuating the FUD in dads eyes on linux and open source.
> last I tried to build it, it failed miserably.  now if It's much more
> difficult than apt-get install he probably won't use it...one reason why
> debian seems to be a great candidate for this.  If I have trouble
> getting things build he won't even come close, make being a foreign
> concept. his comment being that, "windows just works" (until it crashes
> or gets found by some sort of malware)
> tnx kg6kqt
> On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Harv Nelson wrote:
>> Do a GOOGLE for a program called "Antennavis".  I don't think there is
>> a ".deb" for it.
>> Also, I've sent you a Knoppix "live CD" called "Hamshack Hack" (hope
>> your QRZ.com address is OK).  Burn a copy for your Dad, too.
>> 73
>> Harv, AI9NL
>> On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 07:41:02 +0000, kg6kqt@speakeasy.net
>> <kg6kqt@speakeasy.net> wrote:
>> > I've been working to bring my dad from windows to linux for a while
>> and at this point it seems to be an ostrich problem (he knows
>> windows, he likes windows, and  thinks everyone who's anyone uses
>> windows and only windows to do real work.  Since Linux can't run
>> windows programs and software and has no substantial software of
>> it's own it of course then can't be relied upon to do any real work
>> Yes this is FUD and lies but he doesn't know any better...he has his
>> head stuck in the sand - like an ostrich!)
>> >
>> > Basicly here's where I turn to the debian-hams list for help.
>> >
>> > I've covered the basic email, web, and office apps...now he's given
>> me a challenge - he wants to do antenna modeling and use something
>> similar to what http://www.nittany-scientific.com/ sells for
>> windows.  He doesn't want to have to manually create input card decs
>> but would rather just enter coordinates for wires into a
>> spreadsheet.  graphical representation of the input model,  the
>> output E and H plane patterns, and element current distribution is
>> desired.  If I can get this working we have a linux convert.
>> >
>> > How can I get nec2 working under debian with a decent pre and post
>> processor?  The emphesis being on the input and output interface
>> presentation and processing  (nec pre and post processing)
>> >
>> > TNX N 73 DE KG6KQT
>> >
>> >
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