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Re: pcmcia2serial or usb2serial

--- JB <timeis505@cox.net> wrote:

> Hello:
> I have a laptop without a serial port.  I've looked
> around and found that I can either buy a USB to
> SERIAL adaptor or a PCMCIA to SERIAL adapter.  Does
> anyone have a recommendation of which type and
> perhaps a model to look for?  I would like to be
> able to control both my radio and use TNC's with
> this laptop.
> Thanks for any help.
> 73
> ke6sls
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I've used a VSCOM 4-port USB to serial adapter for a
couple of years with my laptop and it works fine.  I
have no knowledge of PCMCIA/serial adaptors, didn't
even know they existed.

- Don, K4DLS

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