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Bug#588725: fldigi: LOG in macro execution is performed at begin

On 07/11/2010 05:07 PM, Patrick Ouellette wrote:
I don't think this is a bug.  The FLDIGI instructions clearly state for the
<LOG>  macro:

"<LOG>   submit QSO data to logbook program&  clear the QSO data fields.  This macro reference is not constrained to a particular position in the macro.  The macro reference action takes place when macro is expanded, so effect is seen immediately after pressing the macro function key which contains this macro reference."


The user also has the option to not clear the log information on save. From the main fldigi window ::

Configure > UI > General

uncheck "Clear on save"

Also there is a log icon on the main fldigi window as well as a clear icon that clears the log window.

This is the way fldigi was written, to give the user as many options as possible.

The user could also create a seperate <LOG> macro.


fldigi alpha tester

list moderator for linuxham at yahoo for all things fldigi

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