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TrustedQSL crashes?


Running Debian 8.7 AMD64 here, fully patched.  I see that the TrustedSQL program (from ARRL) is getting quite out of date.  When I tried to upload my radio logs to the Logbook of the World last night a new definitions/config file was available.  This is common.  But I downloaded it and TrustedQSL crashed.  Tried several times, always crashes.  Not sure if this is a problem with ARRL's new config, or simply the out-of-date TrustedQSL package in the regular repo.  Could the Debian project maintainers take a look?  I'd rather not have to go down the path of compiling my own, manually resolving dependencies, etc.

Thanks & 73,
Paul Bramscher / KD0KZE

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