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Re: Bug#907576. ITP: dream --A Software Digital Radio Mondiale

OK Julian

Yes I had forgotten to add that my SourceForge ID is garieg, and since you found it, then it must still be active.

OK I will hold uploading to SourceForge until you are ready. Yes someone had mentioned the pulseaudio problem.

My Google upload got all fragmented somehow, so I want to do this afresh on SourceForge so we are sure it gets done right. Then I have to figure how to do the upload since I have never done one.

OK I will remove the GNU build stuff when I upload. If I miss something just delete it.

I will just upload it as per my 1021 work. It will include all the 'src' files along with. Would that cause you any problems when you merge? From 1021, anyone can make whatever changes are necessary to bring it up to date on SourceForge.

The only change I have made in 'src' is a minor one to file 'DrmReceiver.cpp' concerning headers supporting FunCube through 'qthid-4.1-source/fcd.h'. These headers are not in the Debian development repositories so I added the qthid source within 'src'. Maybe this is not the right way to do it. We will sort that out. Other than 'DrmReceiver.cpp' and the original source, all else was added. If memory serves, the adds were the 'deb', 'docs' and 'qthid' directories, the 'desktop' file and certain license files that may remain important. Work on the 'deb' and 'docs' directories is complete but there will changes such as tweaking the Build-Depends.

I do not anticipate further changes to 'src' or '.pro', but who knows?



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