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Re: Debian Buster package build error with gbp (fwd)

Hi Christoph,
Sorry, yesterday I hit reply instead of reply all and my email went to Hibby only. This is what I was saying:

Thanks Hibby! I now see that gbp requires the version specified in the changelog to have a Debian version number as well, which was not needed for Stretch. Travis build seems to work fine when that is corrected. I'm afraid I am not very familiar with dch or other tools for packaging, the Travis job was set up to use travis.debian.net simply because I didn't have the time to do it myself. At work, I rely on RPM packaging scripts set up by somebody else, so I'm mostly clueless in this area.

Christoph, sure I'm interested in having it in Debian, I've been a Debian user for many years. The reason I built this software was that GNU radio Companion, while clearly more powerful at university level and up, seemed harder to understand and play with for kids aged less than 18, so I made up this UI modelled on how Gqrx looks and behaves with less of the GNU radio details exposed.
If someone can explain what I have to do to upload and test for Debian, I'd be happy to do so within the limits of my free time. But please keep in mind that I never used Debian Sid or unstable anywhere, and I'm totally unfamiliar with the process.

Best regards,
Adrian YO8RZZ

On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 12:39 PM Christoph Berg <myon@debian.org> wrote:
Hi Adrian,

not sure if you got these mails, they went to the list only...

Christoph DF7CB

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hibby <d@vehibberd.com>
To: debian-hams@lists.debian.org
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 10:42:53 +0100
Subject: Re: Debian Buster package build error with gbp
Hey there -

That's a cool cause, I like that idea!

I took a quick look at your code.

The latest version in the changelog is wrong -


It should *probably* read 0.8.0-1 (where -1 is the first revision of the debian packaging).

I've never used a gbp.conf file before, so I can't pass comment on how that's set out sadly...

That's a starter for you! Are you using the tools in `devscripts`?
The dch tool can be very helpful in managing the revisions/etc debian changelog file properly.. once it's configured!

If you need any more help, shout at the list or at me :)



On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, at 10:05 AM, Adrian Musceac wrote:
Dear list,

I have written a Qt program as an interface for a GNU-radio software defined radio transceiver. We have some local kids school clubs training future amateur radio ops. There they play around with SDR devices to learn how radio works and how you can transmit from one radio to another.
To ease the installation of software on multiple computers, I build my own Debian packages with Travis using gbp.

Since upgrading the build from Stretch to Debian Buster as a base, I was getting this error from gbp which I don't understand:
gbp:error: Non-native package 'qradiolink' has invalid version '0.8.0'

I am pretty sure I should not build a native Debian package so I have my source format set as 3.0 (quilt).
I would be thankful if anybody can enlighten me why gbp complains there. I don't have any knowledge or experience as a packager.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christoph Berg <myon@debian.org>
To: Hibby <d@vehibberd.com>
Cc: debian-hams@lists.debian.org
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 11:49:14 +0200
Subject: Re: Debian Buster package build error with gbp
Re: Hibby 2019-09-24 <[🔎] 7960339a-63b7-4d72-8bc4-83d6767f2c70@www.fastmail.com" target="_blank">[🔎] 7960339a-63b7-4d72-8bc4-83d6767f2c70@www.fastmail.com>
> That's a cool cause, I like that idea!

The software looks cool as well. Are you interested in having it in
Debian? We can "sponsor" the uploads.

> > I have written a Qt program as an interface for a GNU-radio software defined radio transceiver. We have some local kids school clubs training future amateur radio ops. There they play around with SDR devices to learn how radio works and how you can transmit from one radio to another.

I think that would be the first SDR software in Debian that is
actually able to transmit, gqrx/CubicSDR/etc are all RX only.
(Short of building a custom transmitter using gnuradio-companion.)


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