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Re: Best way to package Haskell package for Debian?

Clifford Beshers wrote:
> We at SeeReason Partners have written a cabal->debian converter.  It's
> imperfect, but it works well for simple packages.  It relies on some
> additions we have made to haskell-devscripts in a package called
> haskell-devscripts-cdbs.  Someone wrote a cdbs wrapper for John
> Goerzen's devscripts and we packaged it up in the -cdbs package, which
> is used as a build dependency by the packages produced by cabal-debian.
> Feel free to use and/or adopt these tools.  We have compiled them for
> Ubuntu Hardy, which is what we are actively using and for Debian sid,
> but we have not tested these.  The sources.list entries are:
> deb http://deb.seereason.com/ubuntu hardy-seereason main
> deb-src http://deb.seereason.com/ubuntu hardy-seereason main
> deb http://deb.seereason.com/debian sid-seereason main
> deb-src http://deb.seereason.com/debian sid-seereason main
> These also have ghc 6.8.3 packages built with haddock 2.0.

Cool, I'll check that out.  BTW, where can I get the key that's used to
sign the repo?


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org             Jabber: magnus@therning.org

Haskell is an even 'redder' pill than Lisp or Scheme.
     -- PaulPotts

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