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Re: strace/ltrace

> Does anyone know what would be involved in implementing the 
> Linux strace/ltrace features on the Hurd?  I would find
> these to be tremendously helpful in tracking down problems,
> but I don't know what the level of effort involved would
> be.  Any comments?

ltrace and strace are quite different things.  

I had not before known about ltrace (though naturally it was already
installed on my Linux system!), and just now looked briefly over it.
ltrace should not be hard to port to the Hurd.  It mostly uses the ptrace
interface, which also exists on the Hurd (though of course it hasn't been
tested).  It would also not be hard to port it to use the native Mach and
Hurd interfaces for the things it does (use the code from gdb as a model).

The rough equivalent to strace for the Hurd would be an RPC tracing
program.  This would indeed be very useful for debugging, and I think would
also be an excellent tool for helping people understand the Hurd design.  A
few people have started working on this at different times, but I haven't
heard anything from anybody about it recently.

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