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Re: after getting started...

On Sun, Jun 20, 1999 at 03:49:41PM -1000, Tim Newsham wrote:
>     - how do I install more .deb files after I already have
>       a working hurd system?  (Where do I get them?  A: same
>       site that has the files .deb's needed to get started)
>       Is this just simple dpkg usage at this point?  If so,
>       a pointer to good dpkg documentation, and possibly an
>       example cmd line would be useful.

dpkg --help
dpkg --install *.deb   # also for upgrade
dpkg --remove package-name 

should get you started.

>     - how do I upgrade various pieces, most importantly, how
>       do I try out a new kernel or set of servers after someone
>       announces that they have been updated?  (Is this a single
>       dpkg command?  or do I simply replace pieces like /boot/gnumach
>       and various servers?)

dpkg --install gnumach.deb
dpkg --install hurd.deb

>     - what packages do I need to rebuild the system.  What sources
>       do I need to retrieve?  (hurd? gnumach? glibc? ...)

Yes. But do you want to do that? Do you want to rebuild it under Hurd or
under Linux (cross compiling)?
>     - Is there a list of what is being done, and who is doing it?
>       If so, I would love to see the URL.

I maintain such a list for myself, but it does only cover some area.
Best is to follow the debian-hurd mailing list closely. and read the
archive. Urgent things and plans are always posted here.


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