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Re: gnu-19991025.tar.gz experiences and questions

On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 08:48:25PM +0000, Paul.Emsley@chem.gla.ac.uk wrote:
> 	I untarred the gnu-19991025.tar.gz.  All worked smoothly.
>       Manic grins.

Where did you get those from? There should have been silly laugher, but

> 	As a RedHat user I am completely unfamiliar with .debs.  Where 
>       can I read about how to install and interrogate them?

dpkg in five minutes:

dpkg -i *.deb     # install
dpkg -s package   # status
dpkg -l           # show all packages
dpkg -L package   # show files of package

man dpkg

dselect           # "front end", apt is better but not there yet.

dpkg -S file      # which package does file belong to?

dpkg --remove package # away with it!
dpkg --purge  package # even my precious configuration

> 	I thought I'd add emacs, gcc, vim and tcsh, since gnu-19991025
>       seems to be without them.

Of course. It's only a minimal base. Be careful with tcsh, I did not
recompile it in a long while. Better stay with bash if you can.

> 	Eeek!  tripped by dependences.  How should I have found out
>       about the various dependences?

Try dselect. Try also

dpkg --print-avail gcc

but this requires a Package.gz file parsed in. If you have a ftp connection
from the Hurd, try dselect and ftp method. Or browse the web page of the
package, where depends are listed.

>  How can I know what debs are
>       already installed? 

See above.
> 	tcsh_6.08.01-2.2.deb installed ok, but does nothing: 
> hurd:/# tcsh
> exit

As I said, it's probably too old. Fetch the source, make it compile, send us
the patch.

> 	Do I distantly recall that this issue had been addressed?
>       Shall I try to debug it?  Where do the diffs go?  Does it tell
>       me somewhere in the .deb file?

Diffs to this list please, we need to discuss them most likely.

To get the Debian source, fetch the orig.tar.gz, *dsc and *diff.gz from
unstable/main/source, use 

dpkg-source -x *.dsc


cd package-version
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -B "-mroot@localhost"
> 	There are hundreds of .debs in the above directories.  Where
>       did they all come from?  I was under the impression that they
>       were (HURD i386) binaries.  Has Marcus been mind-bogglingly
>       busy?

Yes. But not all of them need to be recompiled. so called binary-all
packages are installed into all ports because they only contain architecture
independant files (or should). This means that kernel-sources of linux are
in the Hurd tree :)

I compiled over a hundred debs, some of them quite often, others only once
to bootstrap. But I did not compiled hundreds of different packages.

Also see ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/hurd/debian/  and

> 	Swap question: 
> 	RedHat system has the following /etc/fstab entries
> /dev/hda4	/gnu   # mount the gnu/hurd partition under gnu/linux
> /dev/hda3	swap   # extra fields removed for clarity
> 	but when I try to add (the same) swap partition in the
>       gnu/hurd /etc/fstab like so:
> /dev/hd0s4	/
> /dev/hd0s3	swap 
> 	I get the message "No such file" (or partition).  Sorry, I
>       forget the exact message - it flicked by... 

Go to

cd /dev

and do

./MAKEDEV hd0s3
./MAKEDEV hd0s4

we should probably create some default devices.

> 	FAQ pointers happily accepted...

> 	Thanks (this has all been much easier than last time), 

I am glad to hear so :)

Seems that installing the Hurd becomes too easy. Anyone wants to do add some
obfuscations to the instal process?


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