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Re: minicom & mtab questions

> Hi, I am not sure what I am to do with mtab: 
> if there is no /var/run/mtab file when the system boots,
> then I am getting an error message
>   ext2fs_check_if_mount: Unknown code P 2 while determining 
>   whether /dev/hd0s2 is mounted

Yes, this is a known limitation of e2fsck.  Having an empty /var/run/mtab
makes e2fsck happy.  (And e2fsck is run by the Hurd's /sbin/fsck wrapper
program, which does the proper Hurd things to check for a mounted
filesystem before running e2fsck, so fooling e2fsck this way is fine.)

> If I touch /var/run/mtab file before booting (Hurd ;-), this 
> error message does not show up, but /var/run/mtab goes away 
> after cleaning /var/run/

Hmm.  The Hurd's /libexec/rc script touches /var/run/mtab after cleaning
out /var/run, so this shouldn't be biting you.

> Both times the system boots into single user mode (there was no -s!).

Can you show us the exact messages?  Going to single user is normal if
e2fsck was unhappy.  But if you have a /var/run/mtab to avoid that, it
should not bump you to single user without telling you about some other error.

> To mention: during the boot-up, right after the serial port configuration,
> there is the following error message (I wonder whether this is related):
>   hda3: bad access: block=28, count=2
>   end_request I/O error: dev 03:03 sector 28
> hda3 is an extended partition which contains the swap space (/dev/hda5)
> shared by Linux and Hurd.

This looks like a common disk problem many people are seeing.  I don't
think it's related to any of your other things.

> After boot up, if I touch /var/run/mtab again and mount some ext2 partition, 
> then mtab remains empty; df says "can not read table of mounted filesystems".
> (It also adds "file not found" if there is no /var/run/mtab).

The Hurd does not use /var/run/mtab; it's only there to quiet e2fsck.
Using df on a particular filesystem (e.g. "df /" or "df .") should work ok.

> There is also some related problem with /floppy: once I mounted it with
> settrans /floppy /grub/ext2.fs /dev/fd0 and everything was alright, but 
> now when I access /floppy the system pauses until I interrupt it (^C).
> I can not execute settrans -g /floppy: the system pauses again
> (floppy's LED remains dark during these manipulations). I am not sure why 
> this happened: there were no (related ;-) crashes, I can still mount other 
> partitions with no problems.. Where does settrans (or is it /boot/ext2.fs?) 
> keep all that information which prevents /floppy from being used?

Use `showtrans /floppy' to see what the current passive translator setting is.
To try setting the active translator interactively so you can see any error
messages it might have, do `settrans -agf /floppy /hurd/ext2fs'.  If you
really have been using `/grub/ext2.fs' for some reason (I don't know what
you think this has to do with GRUB), and that is not a place you have
installed the program usually installed in /hurd/ext2fs, then that could be
your problem.

> Now the minicom:
> When I start it, as a root, with minicom -s, then I am getting a usual
> configuration menu, but when I `exit' to the terminal mode, minicom says
> minicom: stopped. There is the same thing if I start minicom with
> any other option. What am I to do?.

Run minicom under gdb.

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