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prelude_2_murder@yahoo.co.uk (first last) writes:

I will try to help you. I don't know all the answers.
> Ok, I am quite a newbie on the HURD, but I have some
> experience in Linux, so I find myself limited tried to
> do things "the Linux way".
> I am going to do a "Linux to HURD HOWTO" with all the
> silly (and not so silly) differences. Is there
> anything 
> like that already?
> Some of the questions I thought of are:
> Q. I can not find "mount" in my computer, where is
> it?A. There is not such a thing, use settrans (link to
> somewhere/more info on its usage).
> Q. How do I switch virtual terminals?
> A. ///I do not know the answer to this///
A. for the moment, there is no virtual terminals. Use the program screen

> Q. Where are my device files for the CD and so?
> A. Make them (explanation)
> Q. Network card configuration?
> A. I don't know yet (I haven't needed yet)

A. the driver need to be in the gnumach kernel. For network configuration,
you need to use settrans (look at the easy guide).
> Q. Where is RPM?
> A. There isn't (yet), it uses dpkg.
A. The only distrib based on Hurd is Debian/Hurd, so there is RPM
packages. It uses deb packages.

> Q. Keyboard layout configuration?
> A. No idea yet

A. I think you need to change a source file in the gnumach source. Some
people have done translations.
> I tought of a couple more, but I can't remember now.
> Any more suggestions? (and, if possible, answers to
> the questions I don't know).
> Do you think I should go on with it?

Maybe, you can contrib it for the webpages of the hurd. See the
web-hurd@gnu.org mailing list.

> Thanks very much
> Gabriel

Thomas Poindessous
EpX asso GNU/Linux de l'Epita
epx@epita.fr && http://www.epita.fr/~epx

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