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Re: A REAL installation opportunity!

> Would porting oskit to alpha be a good way to get hurd on non-x86
> machines? 

Sure, it's a step.  It's also helpful to anyone else to whom the oskit is
of use on whatever hardware you port it to.

The necessary step per se is porting the microkernel.  The work of porting
the microkernel to a particular hardware platform can be divided into three
essential parts: booting support, device drivers, and MMU support.  The
first two parts go into the OSKit.  The latter requires some work
specifically for Mach on that platform (though at some point the OSKit may
have interfaces for this stuff too).  

In the case of Alpha, there was a port done of CMU Mach a long time back.
That code can be found somewhere and used as a starting point.

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