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trying to install hurd; kernel trap type 13, code 20000

I'm trying to install hurd for the first time.  I used the
instructions from the easy guide, and used the tarball.

Problem is it won't boot.

Here's some of the output:
com0: at atbus0, port = 3f8, spl = 6, pic = 4. (DOS COM1)
com1: at atbus1, port = 2f8, spl = 6, pic = 3. (DOS COM2)
Kernel General protection trap, eip 0x120ebb
kernel trap, type 13, code 20000
Dump of i386_save_state 002a1ae8

If additional output will help, I took a picture of the screen (just
got a digital camera.. nails everywhere) and can transcribe it if it's
too blurry: http://dreadnought.gorgorg.org/hurd_crash.jpg

Not sure what hardware details are relevant... it's a 486, 36MB of
memory, one 2.5G hd and one 70M hd, hurd is on a 937MB partition
(first one on the drive).

Incidentally, is there a list of what the kernel trap types and codes
mean, or is this in the code somewhere?

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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