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Re: How to debug translators?

Hello Alfred!

Mon, 05 May 2003 16:31:15 +0200, you wrote: 

 >> Maybe you should read it? =)
 >    Stop your stupid behavior. He asked for help on the list because
 >    what he did doesn't work, I say to him how I do since it works for
 >    me.

 > You might stop _your_ stupid behaviour and saying things that are
 > completely wrong and accept an polite correction.  The command
 > Johannes type is completely correct and will work.

Learn to read.  If Johannes posted his mail,  it's because the command
does _not_ work. And Marcus, too, had problem with this syntax. I know
that my syntax  works, I'm not sure for the  other; and since Johannes
has problems, it may be that.

Now, you can say that "well, when  I do it like that it works, try it"
is a stupid behavior, but I'm not sure many will agree with that.

 > If  you can't stand people  giving you a polite  correction (I even
 > put  an smile in there to  make it extra clear)  then you shouldn't
 > post a reply and just shutup.

Did you  check that the syntax you  give is _really_ correct  ?  I had
problems with it, Marcus had  problems with it, Johannes seems to have
problem with it. But not, it doesn't even come trough your mind that I
may know something you don't. And  your so eager to say that I'm wrong
that you say it without even checking  if what you say is true or not.
_This_  is  an insane  behaviour.   And  this  is damaging  the  whole
community,  because it'll  make people  less eager  to give  their own
experiences and advises.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug@nerim.net - http://kilobug.free.fr
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