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Re: OSKit-Mach boot failure

On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 02:04:39AM -0500, Chris Gorman wrote:
> I've looked around and I can't figure out where development is being done 
> on the hurd.  I'm guessing by your use of 'the old OSKit-Mach' that this 
> is no longer the development branch being used for the hurd u-kernel?

Most development takes place on the (even older) GNU Mach 1.x kernel.
This is the gnumach-1-branch in the Hurd's CVS repository, while GNU
Mach 2.x (the one using oskit-mach) is CVS HEAD.
> Is the main development branch for the hurd u-kernel l4 now?  

This one is being worked on as well, but is not usable yet. Help is
needed here as well, see http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd-l4.html
for details.



Michael Banck
Debian Developer

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