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Re: [l10n] debconf2po-update, msgmerge and wrapping lines

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On 2004-04-21 01:54, Nikolai Prokoschenko wrote:
> Hello!
> I guess many of you fellow translators are having the same problem: after
> having sumbitted your translation it gets reformatted by
> debconf2po-update (internally through msgmerge) and the lines get
> wrapped. msgmerge is then stupid enough to break the line just in the
> middle of a path - an example is aboot-installer from d-i, where the path
> "/etc/aboot.conf" gets broken after the second slash (a quick grep shows
> many languages are affected).
> Any way to fix this? This is annoying and confusing the users.
err, this makes no difference to users, they see exactly the same thing 
(unless they look at the po-files with a text-editor, and the average user 
will not be doing that)

as to fixing it run 'msgattrib --nowrap' to kill wrapping of lines, or 
'msgattrib --width=<some-number>' to wrap at your preferred width
- -- 
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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