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[D-I] Giant update to do in d-i translations: tzsetup

Thanks to Joey...:-)...we now have a few dozens new strings to
translate for D-I....

Indeed, he is working on a new package, namely tzsetup, which is aimed
at bringing the timezone setting into 1st stage (ie out of

Besides having this setting in a more natural place and earlier than
before (especially *before* daemons starting), it also brings us the
possibility of translating time zones names.

Thus, we marked as translatable all time zones that are likely to be
shown to users, ie all time zones for countries which have several
time zones.

The result is 25 fuzzy and 131 untranslated strings !

These time zones are geographical areas, most of the time for
countries not directly related to your languages. Anyway, please take
care of translating them carefully AND CONSISTENTLY (you'll soon see
that this is not as easy as it might seem).

I recommend keeping a reference to the original timezone names. For
instance, among USA, the "Eastern", "Central", "Mountain",
etc. timezones are very well known names....so even if you translate
this differently, please keep the original name somewhere.

Good luck to all d-i translators...you'll soon discover how many time
zones there are in Antarctica..:-)


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