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i18n help with ldm (debian bug #432708)


i'm part of the pkg-ltsp team which maintains the ldm
package(http://packages.debian.org/ldm) as part of the ltsp
project(http://ltsp.org).  it's a GUI remote login manager, written in C
and GTK.

sadly, it is not translateable. someone had started on i18n support for
ldm, but it doesn't work, and i'm not sure what needs fixing. see:

the code is available in bzr:

  bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ltsp-upstream/ltsp/ldm-trunk

please contact pkg-ltsp-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org or
ltsp-developer@lists.sourceforge.net if you're interested in
adding/fixing i18n for ldm.


live well,

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