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Re: DPL teams survey summary summary (about i18n team)

Quoting Steve McIntyre (leader@debian.org):

(in -devel-announce)

> The i18n and l10n groups tend to be quite informally organised, but
> (with a small number of exceptions) are mostly working well. There's a
> small (and funny) contradiction in the responses here: Christian
> Perrier told me that the team needs some stronger leadership and he
> doesn't think he's good at organising things. Most of the other people
> in this area said that they loved Christian and his efforts in
> organisation. *grin*

I want to comment on that.

What I wanted to enhance in my own comment is that, being the de facto
"leader" of the i18n group/team/whatever, most people around here
probably rely on actions taken or initiated by /me.

On the other hand, nothing but established practice did put me in that
position. This is the Debian way to do things, for sure, but I don't
feel I have the legitimity(en?) to organise/lead/dictate things more than
any person in the i18n activities.

Call it an "over-democracy" feeling or whatever but I think this is
something that's a reality. And, sometimes, I have the strange feeling
that this is silently censoring initiatives from other people.

(silently is a joke, actually. Many know that I "talk too
much"....nickname given to me my Konstantinos Margaritis)

On the other hand, I confirm that my way to do things is most of the
time not as careful and deeply thought as it might seem. I often tend
to overread contributions, underestimate consequences and, in general,
work too fast and not enough carefully with a quite strong tendency to
never complete things. What is good in the Debian project is that
there are people who are the exact opposite: more focused on specific
tasks, doing them and only them but doing them very well (names come
to my mind: Frans Pop, Helge Kreutzmann, Nicolas François, Justin
B. Rye, Denis Barbier in the past, etc. sorry for all those who I
forget here)

This is the combination of both people acting as I do and people
working as they do that makes a good team, but the most visible (or
vocal) person should not hide (or censor) the work of all others.

This is more or less what I expressed in the mail I sent to Steve when
it comes at -i18n...see below (I did not remember that I made it that
short....apparently, I'm not *always* talking too much).

> d. Are there enough resources for your teams to do their jobs well? If
>    not, what's missing?

The i18n team is missing some formal structure. I think I'm mostly
culprit for that as many people see myself as the team "leader" and
therefore expect any movement to come from /me. I'm not the best
suited person to *organise* stuff, indeed and we're really missing people
who take responsibility to lead things.

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