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Re: Debconf notification (was: Re: http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2008/07/15#anti-l10n-cabal

Quoting Clytie Siddall (clytie@riverland.net.au):

> In general terms, doesn't po-debconf make it possible for maintainers to 
> notify -i18n (and possibly previous translators) about new/changed  
> templates?

No, it doesn't.

Automated sending of mails by tools that build Debian packages woul
dbe something that would very certainly be discussed quite deeply in
debian-devel before it gets a chance to be adopted.

One chousl think that such system would for instance need to be
disabled for special cases of package builds where packages are
automatically built in some way:
- builds by autobuilders
- binNMUs

The same stands for tools collecting translations from, say a central
SVN. That would require maintainers to build their packages while
working online and therefore should be discussed in details in -devel
just like any such kind of disruptive change to packages build systems.

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