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Re: Where to ask for help on interpreting English to translate it more accurately?

Hi Beatrice
(happy 2015!)

El 02/01/15 a las 12:05, Beatrice Torracca escribió:
> Hello!
> every once in a while, during the translation/review process, we (the
> Italian translators/reviewers) stumble on some translation we don't
> agree on. I imagine that happens with other teams/languages too.
> Usually web searches, books and such can help, but some times we don't
> agree on what the English authors meant to say.
> We tried in the past to contact the authors themselves, but we were not
> always lucky.
> I wonder where we could ask question such as:
>  «the sentence "bla bla bla" in this document/package description means:
>    a)  this and this
>       or
>    b) that and that»
> I thought of 2 options - here and in debian-l10n-english.
> What would be the proper place to ask?

I think the place is debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org

At least in www and publicity team we ask them when we need help about
wording/review English texts.


Laura Arjona

> Thanks,
> Beatrice

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