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Re: Handling Japanese new era "令和 (Reiwa)"

On April 9, 2019 at 10:18AM +0900, henrich (at iijmio-mail.jp) wrote:
>  Some packages list to be updated as far as I know
>  Please let me know if you've noticed more
>   - glibc [1]
>   - unicode-data [2]
>   - mozc (IME) [3]
>   - libreoffice [4]
>   - openjdk [5]
>   - icu [6]
>   - fonts! (Noto, VLgothic, etc...)

I've updated ddskk (SKK Japanese input system for Emacs) and skkdic
(dictionary files for SKK) to support the new era 令和 (Reiwa).
The issues seem to be important, so I'll file unblock requests soon.

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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