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Debian IA-64 - Build Package

Hi It's J.
I have owned an HP i2000 ( Intel Itaninum dual 800 mhz) for months, the seller had stripped the acompaning software, to only parts of the HP-UX system, only the MS-XP-64-bit video driver cd, and a hand full of papers.         ----       IT's still not running, I bought and tried Debian, and MS-XP-64bit.
I purchased Debian Woody 3.x got a plasid screen with a big "X" for a cursor.  My disappointment, was not dampended for this was the same result from Red-Hat linux, I purchased just 4 years before, for on a pentium dual 333mhz system.      BOY what progress we have made since then, RIGHT.
Now I have read the stats. on the percentage of systems, using linux running the internet, being in the high " 80's ."   NOW ! ! ! !    I thought, I would try again and got the same results.
I read the Debian " Code of Contact " some what conflicting, stating to be extra nice and give a multitude of thanks before asking for help.   BUT, also to expect beligerence on the part of experienced 'Debianites' to bash  the ignorant 'NEW comers'
I had just a similar experence, in trying to directly contact, one who normally comments, on most subject matter on this forum.    Yes I got bashed ! ! ! !    and for a FEE my queries, may get consideration.     Maybe this type of actions over the years, is why for a start-up system, linux just wont load up on systems any better than years ago.
THE HEART OF QUEST    --     Was to be FREE in experssion, just as the free software we were all working toward creating ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   SO AS to get away from restrictive propritary systems, like MS, HP, and SUN ? ? ? ?
Ian Wienand, seems like the first breath of fresh air on this forum, below I relate his remarks:
" but I will need to relook at the Debian package build to find what else is wrong in the way
it builds. "
Now how about you old timers, as you call yourselves, get out of the beligerent mode, and take "UP the TORCH" and work with us new-bee's and MEN like Ian, and let get this "System Install" in a "USER" condition.
I Thank you all for putting up with my trashing of the forum's progress, but some of us are users not Professers, or System Administrators.
PS. Ian go get 'em'.

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